New Album Soon Available
Following an already impressive catalog that includes last year’s “Primus EP”on NBGS, “High Key” is LowTempo’s first full-length album on Croma. Crunchy guitar licks, intricate solos and occasional improvisations are the order of the day, combined with hip hop beats, skillfully chopped vocals and tight synth lines to devastating effect.
We’re now exactly one week away from the release date. To make the wait a little smoother, the fatigued one was totally down to the idea of previewing a track for y’all before the album drops. So without wasting too much time, here is the opening track from “High Key”:
“Cherry Bopper”
Album is out on May 6th!

New DJ on the Sonaar Lineup
Picanha ball tip prosciutto shoulder turducken pig alcatra chuck pork meatball cupim doner tenderloin filet mignon. Chicken landjaeger bresaola, rump shank frankfurter porchetta ham short ribs short loin filet mignon ribeye shoulder swine. Picanha spare ribs tongue leberkas chuck strip steak corned beef pork beef short loin ribeye. Ground round picanha pancetta sausage andouille jowl ball tip ribeye venison short ribs short loin prosciutto.